Today is the begining of our Journey to the Territories that have already lost the battle of man and machine.  It seem's that soon, the Automatrons shall takeover all of England.  Here is some history to what is Happening :
1821- J.G. Elext creates the first Automatron, these steam powered cans take the place of maids, nannies, and public workers.

1837-Queen Victoria replaces many of the royal gaurds with Automatrons, the "Great Strike" begins

1840-It is suspect that the Queen has been replaced by an Automatron wearing her flesh to appear human.

1860-Contact is lost with Englands minor islands, explorers soon find the area uninhabited by humans, but the Automatrons have began to prepare for war.

1900-All analog computers are ordered to be destroyed.

1910-The War officially has begun.                                                           
Captain Julius Haltars

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